
Definition Essay: What Is Success?

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What is Success? From the beginning of time, all of humanity just wanted to be successful, it’s in our nature. Each day we either to accomplish our goals and succeed or to fall short and fail in the process of getting to where we want to be. Times goes by and people change so does the image of society. Which brings up what is a success, and is there any way to grasp it. Every day an average teen student goes through the same motions and repetition. Wake up, go to school, and come home. We are working on something that is not even a self-purpose goal. It is all based on a pre-set scale that no one can change. Is it really a success if someone else set the standard for your goals or is it just an illusion. Maybe after this, you will know the real idea of success or if this is just an illusion for the brain to have fake accomplishment. …show more content…

From the beginning of time success has been expressed in many different ways. For some success is based on your grades, but for others, success is based on what your religion tells you to live by to be a successful person. Or maybe you are defined as a successful person because you are an athlete. There is one small difference between all of these successful ideas. It is that you are the deciding factor in what you feel is the success and what you think is a failure. A big part of success in your mind is what do you perceive to be good or bad. A quote from the article What is Success? by Sean Meyer “One person might define success as not having to work more than 40 hours a week, another person might define success as having a million dollars in the bank account.” This just in states the purpose that you are the one that decides whether you are a successful person or not. At the end of the day, it’s how you look at

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