
Definition Essay: What Is The Value Of Truth?

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Men throughout the ages have sought out truth, and yet, truth in itself is a subjective concept. Those men must first define what truth means to them, or what they want it to mean. But if truth is what we want it to be, what is the value of truth? Truth is what one wants to believe is true, and in some it is what one truly knows is true. The Merriam- Webster Dictionary defines truth as “the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality.” With Math and Science, what is true and what is false is clearly defined by how it interacts with other established theories/practices and if it falls in line with what we understand today. While arts and religion depend on the individual, and what they deem to be true based on personal experiences. These two conflict, since truth in science is very different than truth in religion, and if truth can have such two distinctive definitions, how can we incase what exactly truth is in one word or definition. …show more content…

Many Christians believe Jesus himself was the answer to Pilate’s question, as before his crucifixion Jesus had said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) But both Pilate and Jesus’s actions raise questions, as Pilate obviously didn’t really care for Jesus’s definition of truth, and Jesus defined truth through himself, which conflicts with all other non-Christian religions. If truth is dependent on the person or society defining truth, anything can, and will, be true, making the word

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