Informative Essay On Veterans Day

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Veterans Day has been celebrated for forever, but we never think of it this way because many people believe the first Veterans Day was in 1911. While it is true that “Armistice Day”, which later became know as Veterans Day, began on this day, thereir is much more to Veterans Day than a single date. The true Veterans Day has been celebrated forever without us actually knowing. For heroism, honor, and bravery has been celebrated everyday.
Honor can be a hidden dagger as sharp as a razor, especially if honor is held above everything else. You won't feel the pain and unjustified honor may cause you to create great amounts of pain, but you will never realize how deep the razors cut as it is as gentle a Vvalkyrie. Honor is a story told to those who must die, and honer is hope that bravery and courage will save them. But honor can also be a silent bomb, killing all of those around it. When a soldier falls he is scared with no sense of honor he falls with fear. With honor a soldier falls with hope that they will win, with hope that more will die, but only from the enemies side. …show more content…

Patriotism comes from every country because the people of that country, all or most of which think they're better than the people of another country. Patriotic people with their honor of country and their flag held high,beleive they are better then the people of another country. Those people who also believe in their country and honor their country while flying their flag high in the sky. Many wars have been fought for honor, and many lives have been lost in the name of honor. They hope to become the only one left standing, for honor tells them of the stories of battle and courage of which the evil will die and the truth will be set free. What is truth; truth is a matter of perspective from two sides that fight for the honor they can also be easily blinded