Definition Essay: What Makes A Woman

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Many things make a woman, it is just a matter of opinion. The dictionary definition of a woman is the female human being, as distinguished from a girl or man. To be a woman in today’s world, she must be able to compete with men equally in the business world, but also be a mother in the home. In some ways it is harder to be a woman than a man.
Women have drastically changed over the past few decades. In the early days, Women were seen as the weak, who only stayed at home to cook, clean, take care of the kids, and abide to their husband. They were seen as timid, dependent, and very emotional. Women had no voice in politics, there was a lack of legal rights for women, they were not allowed to own property, but by the 20th century, things began …show more content…

There is no real definition as to what makes a woman. There are many different types of perspectives and definitions as to what makes a woman. I asked my family members and friends what makes a woman and what does it means to be a woman. My step dad, Ken Demers said, “The right attitude and confidence is what makes a woman, strong and attractive, in today’s society to be a woman means to be nurturing, but also protective.” My mom, Lyra Demers said, “ A woman that could be equal to any man in society, especially in the workplace. A woman that could fulfill her dreams without any help. When you see your children grow up to be happy and successful is also what makes a woman.” My sister, Leslie Magbitang said, “A woman lives their life to the fullest. To not let anyone discriminate against who you are. To try your absolute best in everything you do is what is means to be a woman.” My friends said, “If you are comfortable and confident in yourself and everything you do, then that is what makes a woman.” There are many different types of definitions and perspectives as to what makes a woman and what it means to be a woman.