Definition Of Coming Of Age Essay

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What does it mean to “come of age”? According to Google, coming of age means to, “Reach adult status”. This is characterized as the point in the person’s life where the induvial feels that he or she is no longer a child and is now a young adult. In my life, there were two instances where that started the process of my coming of age. Those two were acquiring a job at Publix and getting my learners permit. These two occurrences constituted major changes in the course of my life that have forever altered how I view my life. Throughout my life I have always lived insanely near a local Publix. I have been shopping at the same convenient store for over 15 years. Almost every employee knew me by name. When I turned 14 of July 10th my father and I walked over to Publix and I applied that day before opening any gifts. The reason why I picked getting a job at Publix as coming of age is because it teaches responsibility, time management, money management, people skills, and employee relationship skills. When I first got the job, I really didn’t expect much, I only thought I …show more content…

The events must build character and require responsibilities that one has had to deal with. I am in the process of getting my pilots licenses and next summer I plan to take a dive rescue class required for my dive instructor certificate which I am planning on obtaining when I turn 18. Coming of age is a series of building blocks and everyone is different. The years 15, 16, 18, and 21 all could signify a coming of age point. As I reflect on certain individuals I have come in contact with I have often thought to myself will that indusial ever reach that pinnacle. My conclusion is that to come of age encompass a multitude of events, experiences, achievements, and responsibilities that one must have worked through to truly be considered an adult or one that has truly come of