Definition Of Waste Management In South Africa

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Question 1
The major objectives of waste management in South Africa in terms of Minimum Requirements for the Handling, Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes To support the avoidance of re-use, recycling and treatment of waste. To create a classification of waste which will be according to the risks it poses. To supply graded Minimum Requirements to the controlling authorities, generators and transporters so that waste and especially Hazardous waste can be continuously controlled from generation until it’s disposed safely. To avoid any Hazardous waste polluting the environment. To ensure that the issuing of waste disposal site permits are managed and administrated.
Question 2
Waste Management Hierarchy (Minimum Requirements for the Handling, Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes) Waste Prevention- To prevent and also avoid the production of certain hazardous wastes and also hazardous substance. Waste minimisation- To reduce the volume of waste economically during production using different processes or clean technology. Resource recovery- To recover the energy through incineration and bio-degradation. Waste treatment- Treating waste to reduce its volume and also any hazardousness. Waste disposal- To dispose waste in a safe and environmental friendly manner.
Question 3
According to Science direct (n.d.), Solid waste management challenges for the cities’ authorities in developing countries are:- The increase in population which increases the