Dehumanization In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley, author of A Brave New World, is a very talented author in the way he portrays the controlling nature shown by rulers in modern day society and their tendencies to dismiss anything they don't approve of and or disagree with in his dystopian novel. In the book Brave New World, there are numerous examples of limitations and lack of freedoms for the inhabitants of this “new world”. Firstly, and most obvious, is the system of classes established by the unknown leader of this society.Furthermore, the embryos that are predestined to be put into these classes are mentally and physically limited through “training” (otherwise known as electrocution and praise tactics) from birth until a determined time. This system, however cruel, is praised by the people currently making these embryos, and by the students learning to make these different embryos for the future. …show more content…

Through all of the custom levels of improper treatment in the factories, these workers are comparable to how a bad owner would treat a pet. They take them and put them in designated spaces to be taught to do certain things but not others. The upper class alphas are revered because they were not the victims of genetic and post birth tampering. Were as the low class epsilons are altered before and after birth to be inferior to everyone else “Nothing like oxygen shortage to keep an embryo below sub par” (13) . Yet the leaders of the factories continue to justify their actions “There is no society without social stability” (42). If that's not dehumanizing then what