Human Condition In Brave New World

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As the human animal is heading towards a post human existence there will be a historical process where the new being will be devoid of its historicity and therefore its creaturely humanness. The human animal will consider himself a work of art aesthetically absent / devoid of its superficial animal being, its functions and its processes. No traces, scents, or animal functions will be evident; all will be sanitised and reconfigured in a state of being within a manufactured template in a society where there will be the retaining of the human as a ‘being’ above all other living creatures, perfected. This research paper is looking at historically human behaviour in its arrogance which has no conscience about that which is destroyed in the pursuit …show more content…

Trying in its reinvention to create a hierarchical superior status above all other creatures we reference the foretelling novel by Aldous Huxley where we investigate the possibility of this kind of dystopia becoming a reality as the quest for human perfection is set in a casting system where there are convoluted manufactured idealised hierarchies. This research paper is looking at the possible outcome of this kind of dystopian nightmare as man tries to master nature, and there is the morphing and matrix of the creatures animal being with the manufactured high end product when things go awfully wrong in the post human quest for perfection and superior status. My sculpture looks at the abjectness of humanity's irrationality and the objectification and denial of the creaturely animal self, its self and the other destruction as this denial of humanity's creatureliness is reconfigured and assimilated into a manufactured psychological passivity as an oblivious mentality sets in with the lure of a contrived delusion of superiority and perfection, which is in fact a hollow controlling oppressive unnatural faux …show more content…

The re-establishing of templates for which humans are to live by and the rebranding and repackaging of the human animal being which brings about the natural psychological, societal and political outcomes which rejects that which is 'cast' as the differing other as this social psychology set in motion that which has been destructively and fatally repeated throughout history. The problem with humanity's inability to deal with the differing other is investigated as this fatal flaw results in the oppression and the obliteration of ‘the differing other' which is deemed inferior by the setting of such restricted standards which creates a cold war of societal disparity. The key goal in its ambition is to control humanity with this psychological template which has its basis on the concepts of humanism and individualism exaggerated as it creates a hollow self serving but overly controlled vacant society numbed out by pleasure seeking, status and materialism within this societal monopoly as it uses the guise of 'culture' as a way to create the delusion of the human animal being as 'supernatural' and therefore 'superior'. We live in a world where ‘Animals’ have no history yet we as humans never cease to reconfigure our societies and our narcissistic identities, and in this regard we investigate humanity's sense of supreme ontological entitlement in their behaviour