Dementia In Dementia

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In this paper, I have chosen my own thesis topic ‘Dementia’ as a common health problems among elderly people to discuss different diverging aspects of dementia from different theoretical perspectives. In my thesis, I have planned to explore health care providers’ perspectives on dementia care in elderly homes in Nepal. When we talk about health and illness related to physical or mental health, we are more concerned about physiological and pathological process of human body. Biomedical model, which is most commonly used in health profession to understand the health, illness and disease through pathological processes,helps in undertaking therapeutic approach. According to WHO, dementia is a syndrome in which there is deterioration …show more content…

Social constructionism or the social construction of reality is a theory of knowledge in sociology and communication theory that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that form the basis for shared assumptions about reality (Gergen, 1984). In social constructionism theory, we look at different phenomenon and try to gain understanding about how those phenomena are constructed in different ways in different social contexts. A major focus of social constructionism is to uncover the ways in which individuals and groups participate in the construction of their perceived social reality (Sremac and Ganzevoort, 2013).The social reality is actually our subjective interpretation of personal experience, social structure, knowledge and relational setting that are constructed in society in our everyday lives (Sremac and Ganzevoort, 2013).This social construct of reality occurs in society in daily basis in which groups of individuals participate and create meaning and interpretation out of this process. According to Burr, the notion of reality is not out there waiting to be perceived, but rather interpreted by us, as a function of our cultural habits is one of the major foundation of social constructionism(Sremac and …show more content…

It is important to explore what is understood and perceived by people in society when we say dementia is socially constructed and how the knowledge of dementia time to time.For example; Dementia might be considered as a disease of old age in some culture and in other culture,it might be perceived as a part of ageing.Illness, according to Kleinman is