Democratic Party Vs Republican Party

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The two major political parties of America are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Although the two parties have similarities, these similarities are often detracted by the differences in party ideologies. The parties run on two very different platforms as the Democratic Party has a liberal philosophy which is considered more modern and socially evolved, whereas the Republican party has a more conservative philosophy with more traditional views. Both parties have support across the country, with Democratic supporters typically being from urban areas, and Republican supporters being from rural parts of the country. The two main political parties of the United States are divided and have a difference of opinion when it comes to …show more content…

The Democratic party is pro-choice and deem that it is a woman’s right to make decisions concerning her own body, which includes the decision to terminate a pregnancy. They are staunch supporters of Roe v. Wade which was a decision made by the US Supreme Court that legalized abortion. In addition to supporting a woman’s right to choose to abort a pregnancy, the party promotes sex education which explains the various birth control methods that are available to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies, and in turn, abortions. The Republican Party however has a contrasting view and is against abortion. They are pro-life and have the opinion that life begins at conception. Furthermore, they believe that the unborn child has a right to life and that abortion violates this right. Per the Congressional Digest article, Republican Party Platform: “Making America Great Again”, Republicans want an amendment to the Constitution and legislation to clarify that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections pertain to the unborn child (Republican Party Platform: Making American Great Again, 15). This means that the Republican party opposes Roe v. Wade and support the abolishment of the legislation which would make abortion illegal. As an alternative to abortion the party would prefer that a woman continues her pregnancy to term and then give the baby up for …show more content…

According to the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, the CDC state there are approximately 30,000 individuals killed by guns each year across America, which includes those killed by accident, suicide, or homicide (Gun Control). In addition to the vast amount of people killed by guns each year, there are also numerous gun related incidents that occur each day that don’t result in death. Due to the frequency of these occurrences, Democrats call for stricter gun control. To lower the amount of gun related incidents the Democrats want a more intensive background check before a firearm can be purchased. Furthermore, they oppose concealed weapons in public spaces and want to ban assault weapons. They hope that by banning assault weapons that the number of mass shootings that occur across the US every year will be reduced. In contrast, Republicans oppose stricter gun control and support the right to own and use guns. The party are strong supporters of upholding the Second Amendment which is the right to bear arms. They believe it is a constitutional right to own a gun and have the opinion that Government regulation over firearms is unconstitutional. Consequently, they are firm advocates of the right to carry concealed weapons in the view that every citizen has the right to protect their family and