Dental Hygiene Personal Statement

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"An investment in Knowledge pays the best interest" ( Benjamin Franklin ) Dental hygiene is a very high powered career and one of the best occupation that I would love to be a part of. Briacliff college is a school that has a fascinating resources, it 's one of the great school in the state, it has a marvelous academic facilities; a great clinical program; the professors are well known and have excellent reputation and last but not least, the school is a goal-oriented establishment that offers opportunities to various students of all race. According to, diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures as opposed to monoculture." Diversity is my own Word i would say is to accept, respect and undestand other 's …show more content…

I am Dental assistant, i 've been in the Dental field for over 8 years and i love every bit of it. I Worked with a periodontist, an hygienist, an oral surgeon, and three dentists. Every Single One of them have a different background and i love it. My workplace is multiracial. When we together and i personnally believed that we Will be more effective in reaching common goals. The opportunity to Work with or to relate to People from different cultural background Will prepare me for future career success and enhance my social development. Briacliff College is as well a school that is dedicated to inteoduce its scholar or tranee the theory of community service. As a student, a Wife and mostly a Parent , my husband and i are dévoted in teaching our children the true value the importance of community service as they getting older. Community Service to me is uniting People from different background to achieve a common goal. Have i not been a dedicated Volunteer for years, i would of never know the importance of charity or what its like to make a difference in someone 'else life by giving back to others without having a monetary price tag on it. Through my own observations and involvements, i 've come to support this theory and believe my view or position on …show more content…

My husband have a very heavy Work schedule, he 's barely home and our small children needs me and my help and attention at home; the salary is confortable, the schedule is very much flexible unlike other careers; considèring most of them Work part Time. I can always have a pretty décent earning without working 40 hours a week and spend quality Time with my children and so engaging myself into a 7-8 years degree isnt an option for me. My goal is to become a registered Dental hygienist and i do know pursuing that path isnt going to be an easy road but with determination along with dedication, I 'm willing to do the hard work and make it worth my Time. Being accepted at Briacliff would be One of the greatest opportunity for me and the Beginning of my career. Dental hygiène is a growing field with a good Employment stability and also the field that would help me utilize my skills to help others. According to the bureau of labor statistics" The occupation will grow 33.3 percent by 2022, which is much faster than the average growth rate for most professions." Radically, the job market for hygienists is flourishing and sucessfull. I honestly dont know any hygienist that do not like their profession . Becoming an hygienist would bring so much pleasure or enjoyment to my heart knowing that i Will be making a change and a positive impact in