Depression Without Medication Essay

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The disorder called depression can range from a mild form of melancholy to a condition that can compromise the vital prognosis. Often, there are prescribed drugs to treat depression. As a matter of fact, if you suffer from disabling symptoms of depression, drug therapy may be the best solution to improve your quality of life. Still, if you prefer to fight depression without medication, there are simple and effective ways to do so, especially if you are faced with a milder form of depression or if it was caused by a specific event in your life. These steps can also be helpful to accompany medical treatment related to severe depression.

Change your thinking. Tackle problems than you can handle. All problems have solutions. Depression may …show more content…

Think of concrete ways to improve your situation. Is your house becoming a mess? This is something you can tackle. Make a detailed plan to clean every room in your house and allow yourself to experience satisfaction every time you accomplish your mission. Keep traces of your progress through a logbook. The act of recording a goal provides the motivation to continue and change the situation.

Express yourself. Depression tends to isolate patients who avoid contact with others, but it can only get worse if you keep your feelings locked inside. Your feelings are valuable because they are part of you, so find a way to express them. Do not stay alone for too long. Have daily conversations with friends, family and classmates. It is not necessary to talk about your depression; remain content with yourself and say what comes to mind naturally. Writing, dance, visual arts, music and other art forms can be a great therapy to encourage the expression of feelings.

Do not be afraid to express sadness, anxiety, anger, anxiety and the various emotions that accompany depression. These feelings are part of life as happiness and contentment. Feeling ashamed will only worsen your