Describe The Relationship Between The Senate And The House Of Representatives

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The federal government is a central figure in the American democracy that enforces diversity in small group policies, protect the rights of the American people under the constitution but mostly minority groups, redistribution of resources and so forth. The American constitution provides power to all branches of the government. The constitution constraint that the Executive Branch cannot implement the established policies unless the congress provides a fund for it.
The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature that consist of two chambers in which force a law: The Senate and the House of Representative. Both these chambers perform separate task and the only time they come together is when they are about to pass the law. The House of Representative and Senate have to vote on policies made by small committees. Both these structures includes leaders of majority and minorities, political committees and conferences of the parties. Members of the Congress meets in committees to work on bills. Members of Congress are impacted to vote in a particular way through influences of their constituents.
The Executive is the President of the United States, who also acts as the Commander in Chief for armed forces. The Executive primary focus is on the president from what the president does to how he is elected. …show more content…

The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every two years by districts made up of people population. Unlike the Senate they are proportionate based on population. The district is made by 758000 people. A hundred percent of all the representatives are up for election. Unlike the Senate they are proportionate based on population. Founders gave two separate connections to represent the people in every branch of the government. The House of Representatives are more connected with the people because they know what the people want and it makes it easier for what bills to should get