Descriptive Essay: Serve Day

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Have you ever seen a city packed with over 15,000 people wearing red shirts, serving their community? Well, this year I was able to be apart of it. Thanks to Church of the Highlands, based out of Birmingham, Alabama, lead by senior pastor Chris Hodges we were able to make this happen. Through encouragement of the church I was able to serve in its annual “Serve Day,” in Ensley, Alabama, contributing my skills of grass cutting, painting walls, and playing with children. This hot mid-July day started just like any other in Alabama. It was a blazing 90 plus degrees, but that did not stop Church of the Highlands from starting their Serve Day. My day Started with an early 6 A.M. alarm. I hustled to get up and get ready and get all my things together. Before I knew it, I was sitting in front of a big old wooden house in Ensley, Alabama. The day was still early and the house I was looking at needed some major work. I knew I must start with the grass before the sun reached its full potential. I on my very small push mower began hacking away at the over acre sized lot. Time slowly passed as I mustered the strength to push my mower over the six inch thick grass. After about two hours I finished the huge yard. I began to walk to my truck to get a water when I noticed how packed the street became. I was greeted by hundreds of faces; all wearing red Serve Day …show more content…

I was given the job of painting. The huge eight bedroom and four bath home had more than enough walls to be painted. I and about fourteen others began tackling every wall in site. It was amazing to look around and see everyone helping in any way they could. I must have been asked ten times if I needed any help or any water. We started with more walls then I could fathom, but as everyone pitched in to help the walls became much more doable. Before I knew it all the walls had been completed and I was needed for a new