Will Smith's Major Accomplishments

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Will Smith is a sitcom sensation and one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. He was the first to receive a Grammy award in the rap category. His success has been attributed to all sorts of fallacies. However, one of his childhood ordeals might have had an enormous impact his recent successes. When Will Smith was 12 years old, his dad tore down a brick wall in the front of his business and told Will and his 9-year-old brother to rebuild it. The job was seemingly impossible for the two young brothers, and they thought their dad was crazy. But, their father looked at them in the eye and said, ‘Now, don’t you ever tell me there’s something that you can’t do.’ And he walked away. It took the kids one and a half years to rebuild the wall but …show more content…

Will Smith says they only concentrated on laying that single brick, then another and another and soon they had a wall. Most of us with lofty goals might see them as overwhelming sometimes. But they needn’t be. The surest way to fulfil your goals is to break them into daily tasks, and then concentrate on that. If you perform the tasks and you give your absolute best, your goals will be met in no time. A typical example is the age-old New Year’s resolution of losing weight. You don’t set out to lose 20 pounds in the next month. You’ll easily get distracted and demotivated, and you’ll find yourself procrastinating. What you do is block off time on your calendar every day and set out to do 20 minutes of cardio. You could also replace your snacks with fruit and before long the 20 pounds will be gone. On my work desk is a flashcard written on, ‘Today I am going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.’ I wake up every day setting out to give the very best in whatever I do. Some days it’s harder to do all of the day’s tasks, and I find myself procrastinating. But on the days that I accomplish my day’s tasks, I feel more relaxed, active and enthusiastic, fulfilled and sleep much more peacefully because I earned