The Middle Ages in Europe were characterized to be more of hope than despair. The scenes throughout the Middle Ages were horrific as Jewish people were attacked, the Black Plague was developed, Serfs had to endure much pain in order to gain freedom, the Hanseatic League was provoked by robbers, and the scene of the establishment of the Magna Carta was a risk since a king could become a dictator. Described scenes above about the Middle Ages surely leaves one to think the era was characterized by disparity, but not really! The scenes above created an outcome which gave hope for the majority of the people in Europe, the hit(s) from such horrific scenes proved to show a sign of hope as the end of the Middle Ages began the introduction of a Renaissance …show more content…
After nearly a century though, the population increased to the highest it had ever been and the amount of great hope for the future after the Plague surely presents to be hopeful. Despair, the Black Plague can surely be described as a time of despair, but in general the Middle Ages proved to be more hopeful than to be characterized as a time of disparity. Surely many bodies and contamination filled the streets of many cities in Europe, but the time went by and Europe was revitalized as the continent was prospered off a growing population afterwards. The following years of the Hanseatic League would also prove to be a deciding factor in leaving the Plague in the past and moving on into the better light of a hopeful renaissance period. “If by chance robbers or other evil men rise against our citizens or theirs... and if they assail our citizens or theirs, whatever costs or expenses are incurred for extirpating those robbers we ought to share with them, and they with us." (Doc 6). The last document proves to be a concluding factor in the position of considering the Middle Ages to be a time of hope through some times of disparity. The Hanseatic League proved to be a huge trade network through the European continent, expanding the imports and exports between the countries of Europe; crop surpluses in the European countries meant serfs were getting enough food and money to create more successful social and economic positions. The period after the Middle Ages was followed as the Renaissance, a period of success because of the hopeful holding of the European continent and the individuals who bestowed the characteristic to shape Europe into the golden era after the Middle