
Detective Del Spooner's Film I, Robot

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I, Robot is a film released in 2004, starring Will Smith as Detective Del Spooner, who despises robots and believes them to be innately evil. The film is set in 2035, where humanoid robots have been created to help humanity, and their creator Alfred Lanning created Three Laws of Robotics, in order to protect humans from malfunctioning robots. Del Spooner does not like robots because of a past experience involving a drowning girl, where the robot chose to save him because he was statistically more likely to survive, leaving the little girl to drown. When the creator dies, it is ruled a suicide. However, Spooner is skeptical and together with robopsychologist Susan Calvin, decided to investigate the crime. The two discover that there was no one in the room with Lanning and the only thing that could have thrown him out of the window was a robot. They later discover that a robot, Sonny, can break the Three Laws and thus can kill, the robot also appears to show emotions and have dreams. Sonny …show more content…

I think that the essence of the mind is thought, while body is an extension, thus they are two separate essences that can be apart and still live on. My thoughts also breach into the world of robots, of which there are many in the film. Sonny, who is seen as a self-aware robot with feelings and dreams can be seen as a human to many, however this cannot be true, as something might seem human, but it is not. This is because a machine may be able to do some things that we can, but humans can do a greater variety of things. Machines lack soul, which is needed in order to be truly human, also I believe that another way to distinguish between machines and humans is to see how they react to unknown situations, as robots can be programmed to react to certain situations, however, humans can think on the spot and do not need to be

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