Detective In Disguise Analysis

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Detective in Disguise My interest in crime shows sprouted in a cold winter night in December. My mother and I curled under a blanket with teas in hand and watched CSI: Miami because nothing else was on. As Lieutenant Horatio Caine’s team progressed, we cheered them on and gave them advice we knew they wouldn’t follow. We laughed at their jokes and tensed when a robber took hostages. It felt like I and my mother were a part of their team as partners. So much that we competed to be the first one to solve the case. We were truly like the typical crime show partners as we bickered and competed as we shared our ideas to catch the perpetrator. As watching crime shows evolved into a tradition for me and my mother, we started to become a part of a team consisting of us and the crime show characters – our team. Just like that crime shows became a way for us to bond. I learned about how my mother thinks from her reaction to the plot, but most importantly my view on the value of different perspectives was reinforced. Every time I watch a crime show by myself it gets harder to solve it. Not because …show more content…

In every crime show episode, the investigating team comes up with multiple incorrect theories. Yet, they never think about their mistakes as dire, they merely accept them used them as a way to guide them to the truth. Their suspicion of the wife helps them notice the odd behavior of the husband or that extra test you ran on a sample can become the next clue. Seeing these characters own up to their mistakes even in matters of life and death encourages me to do the same. So what if some of the seeds we plant in our garden don’t sprout, or my resolution gets vetoed? These are just opportunities to make improve. In the end, who would solve the crimes and help the victims if our team started to give up? Who would help us if we let our mistakes become the obstacles of our