Detroit's Automotive History

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Automotive History
Birth of an Automobile
In the last decades of the nineteenth century, world was rapidly changing and many modern conveniences were invented. Like, Type writer, Telephone, Electric lights and the first Automobile. But Automobile has arguably shaped the modern era profoundly than any other human invention. In 1886, the pioneering invention of Carl Benz and Goltieb Daimler brought a revolutionary, new dimension to mobility. The first design of an Automobile that got patent, which was the first Petrol/Gasoline powered automobile (4 stroke internal combustion engine) designed by them. And it was the birth of an Automobile exactly 130 years ago. However many engineers had worked on various automotive designs much before that. For …show more content…

Because of its industrial leaders and innovators, established industries, access to resources & capital, manufacturing ability and serendipitous relationships Detroit emerged above the rest as Motor City in America. Making of early hand-built horseless carriages to the innovation of the moving assembly happened in Detroit. Detroit’s Auto industry began in the 1890s, when many Detroit entrepreneurs had come together and made the cement Detroit as Motor city. Also many different aspects of modern car development took place here including design and marketing as …show more content…

As a result of this the automobile become cheaper and more accessible for middle class in North America and Europe.
According to license pursuing record in US, by 1920 over 8 million registration were done and 23 million by the end of the 1920s. Because Ford motor sold more than 15 million cars by 1927. The reason behind this amount was that two important things were facilited by Henry Ford. One of them was that he priced his car to be as affordable as possible and second was that he paid his workers enough to be able to purchase the cars they were manufacturing. This helped push wages and auto sales upward.
It had become convenient to be connected with urban and rural life. They could choose locations almost anywhere in an urban area and also be connected to mainstream of economic and social life. The automobile has also radically changed city life by accelerating the outward expansion of population into the suburbs. Thus growth of suburbs has allowed people to live on the outskirts of the city and be able to work in the city by commuting. This scenario created mobility on a scale never known