Developing Professional Practices: The Elements Of Group Dynamics

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Noreen Malik
CHRM Developing Professional Practice
Activity Two
The Elements of Group Dynamics
According to the website the definition of group dynamics is split into two.
GROUP - Any collection of individuals who have mutually dependant relationships and share a common goal (2 or more people/ they see themselves as members/free interaction)
TEAM - A small number of people with complimentary skills ( mutually accountable/committed to common goal)
The website goes on to describe group dynamics as all teams being groups. Some groups are just people assembled together. Teams have task interdependence whereas some groups don’t (e.g., group of employees enjoying lunch together). Groups may be formed where personal characteristics (beliefs, attitudes, values, age, sex, hobbies) are similar or the same, where certain interests and goals are shared. Or it could be where an opportunity has arisen for interaction.
Based on Bruce Tuckman’s Group Dynamics model there is a 5-stage cycle of group development. Forming (Awareness), Storming (Conflict), Norming (Cooperation), Performing (Productivity) and Dorming (Seperation). He states that unless the issues of …show more content…

It is important for an HR professional to have influencing power to solve the conflict, be a good negotiator and mediator and be able to think of an alternative. Negotiating plays an integral part in achieving results. To manage conflict effectively you must be a skilled communicator as well. This means adopting an open communication environment by encouraging staff to talk about work issues. Listening to their concerns will promote an open environment. It is integral the HR professional understands what staff are saying by asking questions and focusing on their perception of the problem. He/she will need