
Diary Of Anne Frank Essay

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“The Diary of Anne Frank” Extra Credit In 1933 to 1945 during world war 2 there was a huge event going on in Germany. This event started after Germany selected Hitler as their new President. This event made history and was called the “holocaust.”Hitler's plan was to make germany great was by telling all germans that he would eliminate all those who are a burden on germany economy. In January 30 1933 Hitler became president german president Paul Von Hindenburg gave him the presidency. This changed the lives of millions of germans and other people around the world. After hitler took over the presidency he created his own army and he made everyone pledge loyalty to him. Hitler then created the first concentration camp and it was called the dachau. He also forced the jews to wear a star on their clothes and made business owners put up signs and the army kicked lots of people out of their houses and made them live on …show more content…

Soviet forces got closer and closer to the camp to free everyone there but the prisoners were forced to march west and away from the camp. Before the march thousands of prisoners were killed . During the march anyone who was left behind or anyone who could not march along the way were shot on the spot and so thousands died during the march from exposure and other illnesses. It is estimated that around 15,000 people died from the march. On 1945 soviet soldiers finally entered auschwitz and rescued 7,000 people. It is also estimated that around 1.3 million people were sent to this camp between 1940 to 1945 and 1.1 million of them have been killed.The death rates of this camp was around 1.1 million jews and 200,000 others. It is important for everyone to know about the holocaust because first of all it did happen and second of all it was something serious and if we don't know it it may happen again. It's better for everyone to know about this major

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