Did The Big-Bang Really Happened?

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Did the big-bang really happen or maybe it didn 't! My opinion is that the big-bang never happened. What do you think? My research shows that 40% of the world know and believe the science,40% of people don 't know the science and 20% have heard the science but believe otherwise. I 'm in that 20% range because that 's the truth."God created the heavens and the earth" NOT matter. The first reason why I believe it 's wrong is because of my research. According to a writer named Laurence B. Brown, "Your telling me that if I keep dropping bombs in a junkyard someday all the pieces will blast together into a perfect Mercedes. That 's what evaluation teaches that 's what the big-bang proposes that chaos gave rise to perfection. But we know it 's the other way around, don 't we." I agree with Laurence because explosions don 't create stuff. It destroys …show more content…

My next reason in my favor is about God. "There is no indisputable proof of the big-bang and there is none for evolution. and yet you except those. Why hold the question of whether or not there is a creator to a higher standard?" Robert J Sawyer said. I agree with Robert because if matter created matter which makes no sense whatsoever, what happened? It 's impossible for one individual substance nonliving to create something nonliving and living. Which leads back to my first paragraph in which GOD created Adam and Eve. My first reason going against what was said on my part Is stated by Olaf Stapleton in which he states, "The microseism was pregnant with a germ of a proper time and proper space, and all kinds of cosmical beings. The matter of ten million galaxies lay dormant to a point. I disagree with Olaf because in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And what Olaf is saying is that matter created matter. But, how did the matter get there? It didn 't just pop up out of nowhere by itself, it was created. So if it was created how did it come from nowhere? Simple, it didn 't pop up out of