Diesel Mechanic Research Paper

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I was born into a heavy construction working family. I started out in the playpen or stroller in the shop watching my dad working on trucks and equipment. If he left the house I would throw a big fit if I wasn't able to go with him, so I am told by my parents. As I grew older I would give him tools as he needed them. Finally when I was in my later elementary years I started changing oil in our vehicles, as well as greasing and simple maintenance. Now that I am a senior in highschool I have been a part of many major engine swaps, Rebuilding a twin clutch clutch on a 700 horsepower grinder four times, Replacing the gears in rearends, drive lines, and many more major mechanical failures. This is what has lead me to this decision of becoming a diesel mechanic. …show more content…

I Also enjoy coming up with a solution to issues that may come up. It is my passion to make things work again or better than they were originally. In this career you need to be self driven and get things done, through all my accomplishments I believe I have got a good work ethic. I currently am farming 100 acres of my own. In doing this I have to set my own hours make myself get things done. I am incharge of all maintenance on the equipment, I do it from start to finish. I irrigate, hay, maintain equipment, sell hay all on my own. Over this summer I also worked on a buffalo ranch where I was in charge of help harvesting hay, maintenance, irrigating, and working buffalo. When working at the ranch I would work at least 6 days a week at least 12 hours a day. While working up at the ranch I would also work on my field before and after work. enjoy working on my own the best I like to do it my