Differences And Similarities Between The Nez Perce And Makah Tribe

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The makah and the nez perce had totally different ways of living.The makah tribe of the coast and the nez perce tribe of the plateau interacted with their environment differently to provide food,shelter,and clothing for their people. Based on their location the makah and the nez perce have different ways of providing for their people. For example,in the encyclopedia of Native Americansit states,the center piece of makah diet was sea mammals. Also from the composition that “men also fished and halibut and hunted land mammals and birds. Another fact is during the spring they fished for the large numbers of salmonthat swam upstream to spawn.On the other hand,from the article nez perce mainly lived by fishing,hunting,and gathering fruit and vegetables from spring through fall and storing surplus food for winter use. Another reason is form the encyclopedia of native Americans is that other plants were gathered in the summer,including onions and carrots,bitteroots. Obviously, those two tribe have different foods …show more content…

One example of what they wore from the encyclopedia of native americans says Because of the wild climate men and sometimes women went naked or wore very little clothing or wore very little clothing year round. Another example is from the book is that the clothing they did wear consisted of woven capes,skrits made of cedar bark (soaked and pounded soft) cattail fluff and woven down feathers. Then another explanationof what the nez perce wore from the article is In the early times, shredded cedar bark deerskin, or rabit skin were used to make clothing. One last explanation about the nez perce from the encyclopedia of Native Americans is In summer men usually wore capes and breechcloths (flaps of material that cover the front and back and suspended from the waist),adding fur robes and leggings when it turned cold. That means that had to wear different clothes to suit their