Differences And Similarities Between 'The Sniper And The Sniper'

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In the two short stories we read, the sniper and the barber were both interesting main characters. The two roles had many similarities, like their internal conflicts, enemies, and beliefs. They also had many differences like their job, view on killing, and their character traits. Although these men both led very different lives and experience different things, we can see their connections, contrasts, and conflicts.

These two characters, the sniper and the barber, had many similarities between them. They both experience an internal conflict in their story. The barber’s being whether to kill his enemy, Torres. The sniper’s being after he kills his enemy and realizes how serious the war is, and he regrets his actions. Another similarity is they are both fighting for a cause. The barber wants a revolution, even though he wouldn’t kill Torres. The sniper is a Republican and will kill anyone for his cause. Both characters have similar enemies that are on opposing sides of the war. Torres, in Lather and Nothing else, is on the side of the existing government, against the barber. The sniper’s brother, in The Sniper, is on the side of the free staters, while the sniper is Republican. …show more content…

They have very different jobs but are both serious about them. The barber’s job is normal and nonviolent, while the sniper has a super intense and violent job and has to kill people. They also take a contrasting view on killing. The barber hesitates and wavers when he is tempted to kill Torres. The sniper doesn’t think twice about shooting the enemy but pays the consequence later when he finds out that it was his brother. They have different traits, bravery, cowardice, spontaneity, and smarts. The barber was a bit scared and chose not to kill Torres, but it paid off in the end. The sniper was brave and courageous, and would shoot any enemy, but it ended up being the wrong