Differences Between Of Mice And Men Book And Movie

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“Of Mice and Men,” by John Steinbeck and the movie adaptation directed by Gary Sinise have several differences and similarities. Among the differences was where Lennie and George are escaping Weed. Another difference is when Lennie sees a hallucination of his Aunt Clara and a large rabbit. Lastly, at the end of the book when George shoots Lennie When Lennie scares off a woman in Weed they are chased, run into the irrigation ditches to hide, and then escape on a train. The movie shows all of this as the opening scene including the woman in the red dress running of after Lennie grabbed a hold of her dress. Whereas in the book the opening scene is Lennie and George walking to the ranch, which only implies that they ran away after the incident. “A light of understanding broke on Lennie’s face. ‘They run us outa Weed,’ he exploded triumphantly.” Further on in the book and movie George explains to Slim why they left and the details …show more content…

Although Lennnie’s death doesn’t change from book to movie the circumstances surrounding the event do. In the book there is more conversation between Lennie and George about how if George didn’t have Lennie he could take his fifty bucks at the end of the month and he wouldn’t have to deal with any of Lennie’s shenanigans, “Sure, like you always done before. Like, ‘If I di’n’t have you I’d take my fifty bucks’.” In addition, George continually hesitates when he has the gun. “And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently…”. It is a much slower, smoother scene in the book, while in the movie, George is talking to Lennie about the difference between them and the other guys, and about living of the fat of the land when George picks up the gun and shoots him very quickly. A painful similarity between the scenes though, is how excited Lennie gets about the rabbits just before he