Industrial Revolution Vs Neolithic Revolution

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The transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic, often called the Neolithic revolution, has taken different paths in different areas around the world. Even in regions very close together,like Egypt and Sudan, it happened differently. In this article, I will explore these differences by looking at the main areas of the Neolithic revolution: food production, settlement patterns and society and culture. I will define Neolithic Revolution in general, and describe what most scholars mean when they talk about this term. Then, I will concentrate on the Neolithic Revolution in Egypt and Sudan and show that in most areas, significant differences exist, whilst in some areas, transition patterns were similar. Finally, I will briefly discuss why clear differences …show more content…

One example is the region around Dongola Resch and
Kerma in northern Sudan. In this region, first structural remains of Neolithic settlements within a densely landscape were discovered, along with large cemeteries that show longevity, which supports the theory that the north developed differently to central Sudan.
When looking at the Egyptian Neolithic origins one can distinguish three regions within the country; The Western Desert, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt The earliest Neolithic Egyptian cultures emerged between 8000 and 6800 BC in the western Desert, and most of the information about them is derived from the sites of Nabta playa and Bir kiseiba Hendrichx and Vermeersch;
Marshall and Hildebrand. The sites are hunter-gatherer camps. and in this period there was no sign of agriculture. Instead, wild plants were consumed. However, there some evidence that wild cattle may have been kept by the hunter-gatherers but rather for milk and blood than for meat consumption Hendrickx and Vermeersch. Cattle-keeping would thus account for the sites being classed as early Neolithic. The evidence is debatable though, and as there is no indication of …show more content…

In the Americas maize·manioc-, and present-day Peru.Long before the arrival of Columbus in the Americas in A.D.1492,these and other crops had spread through large portions of the Western Hemisphere, form the temperate woodlands of the North Atlantic coast to the rain forests of the Amazon region.Thus,varying patterns of agricultural production were sufficient rainfall land suitable temperatures. From the comparison made above, it seems that Egypt and Sudan did not begin too differently from each other,Culturally,there seem to be significant similarities, especially between the riverine Neolithic populations during the fifth millennium BC (Edwards 2007:217).
However,increasing reliance on agriculture in Egypt versus pastoralism in Sudan as basis if subsistence was the starting point of different developments during the Neolithic. It resulted in different settlement patterns,with Egyptians being more sedentary and Sudanese people being more mobile,which in turn impacted the political and social structures of the regions.However,as there are still many areas, especially in Sudan, that are not yet thoroughly explored archaeologically, we may still be up for some surprises in the