Direct Calorimetry Lab Report

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A calorie is a measurement of energy, specifically heat. Calories are vital to our bodies and are found in the food and drinks we consume. The human body requires this energy to operate and perform daily functions, because without it, our cells would die. The energy we consume (food) needs to be at least the same as the energy we use (physical activity, or daily functions). It is important to maintain this healthy energy balance, because consuming too much energy and not using enough of it can lead to serious health problems, such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Health problems can also occur with using too much energy, and not consuming enough. Calories can be measured by using a tool called a calorimeter. Calorimeters measure the heat of chemical reactions and heat capacity.
Direct calorimetry is used to measure the heat and exchange of Carbon dioxide and oxygen given off of the human body. Direct calorimetry contains a subject who lives in sealed room for an extended time performing normal daily …show more content…

Then, I would compare that to normal findings and see if my caloric intake is within the recommended amount for individuals that are my age, height, gender, weight, and at my physical activity level. All of these are factors that help determine how many calories a body needs to function. This would help determine if I am in a healthy zone, or should consume more or less calories in a day.
Energy from the food we eat can be calculated using the composition and weight of protein, carbohydrates and lipids with in that specific food. It is calculated by multiplying the weight by the net energy value of each part, and then adding them up for a total. The net energy value for proteins is 4.0 kcal, Carbohydrates 4.0 kcal, and lipids 9.0

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