Disadvantages Of E-Government

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Electronic government (e-Government) is the use of information and communication technologies by government. E-Government holds the potential to provide a long list of benefits, including easier access to public information, enhanced citizen involvement, more efficient public service, and increased responsibility. It is part of a bigger movement toward public sector reform, which is driven by technology and information systems. E-Government is a concept that was introduced into public administration in the 1990s. (qtd. in Carrizales, 2008). It has been proposed as a way to increase citizen trust in government and improve citizen evaluations of government generally. Nonetheless, e-Government has both negative and positive effects on citizen’s lives, and these effects create high or low trust in government. On one hand, e-Government helps to expand the ability of government organizations for serving their constituencies and benefits to both government and its citizens (Norris and Moon, 2005). On the other hand, surveys show that the most common reasons given for low trust in e-Government are perceptions that government is inefficient, wastes money and spends money on the wrong things (Tolbert and Mossberger, 2006). As a result of these two reverse approaches, United Nations Public Administration Network conducts e-Government survey which includes a section titled e-Government Readiness. It is a comparative ranking of countries of the world which South Korea is also included to