Space Radiation Research Paper

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We are always exposed to radiation, but thanks to the shield that the earth provides humans called atmosphere, humans are protected from 99.9% of the dangerous radiations coming from space. When astronauts go to space, instead of receiving the normal dose of radiations that living creatures get on the Earth, 0.00001 Sievert, they get 0.66 Sievert that is the dose that you get if you do a CT scan every five or six days1. This level of radiation may lead to damage to the DNA cells, therefore, causing other diseases2. An example is a study made by the Human Sciences College at the Florida State University which shows that for astronauts who went to the Moon, the proportional mortality rate due to cardiovascular disease is 43%, which is generally …show more content…

One of them is the use of a polyethylene-based material called RXF1, to build spacecrafts and protect them from deep-space radiations. The most harmful radiations are the secondary radiations that, as explained in the previous paragraph, are X-rays and Gamma rays created by the impact of the electrons with the atoms5. It is shown how secondary radiations are formed in Figure 3

Figure 3 (from source 6)

RFX1 will not totally stop the radiations, it will only fragment them, making them less harmful for the astronauts since, contrary from the popular belief, materials like polyethylene with the molecular composition of mostly carbon and hydrogen, will protect the human body better from most of the damage, than any heavy element will do6. Polyethylene not only protects 50% better from solar flares, but can also shield from cosmic radiation 15% better than aluminium can.
Although polyethylene has higher percentages of protection than aluminium, some computer made simulations were created to compare the risk of cell damage with a polyethylene spaceships vs an aluminium one, showed that there was no significant change between the two …show more content…

If there is the plastic added, then it will need few more gallons of fuel for the spaceship to be able to leave the earth’s surface.

I believe that NASA will have to work on the solution that is effective and in sometimes after some changes will be worth a try to see if it will actually help keep the astronauts protected while going in deep space. The material doesn’t completely stop the radiations but how the creators said “[Some] galactic cosmic rays are so energetic that no reasonable amount of shielding can stop them. All materials have this problem, including polyethylene”6. Walls in spacecraft does not only need to be strong but also safe for the astronauts, if they catch fire or melt for the high heat, then the plastic can not be used. Pure polyethylene is very flammable and it would be very dangerous for astronauts in the spaceship6. I think that in the next future will be possible to use polyethylene to build our spaceships, it is easy to shape it like any component of the spacecrafts and it is 2.6 times lighter than aluminium6, but for now we will have to use other methods to solve the