Disappointment In The Kite Runner

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A significant element behind why disappointment is presented in relationships in both novels is to express how differences in ideology and society can affect relationships. Hossieni has portrayed the inequality in Afghanistan through the conflicts between the Pashtun Sunni Muslims and Hazara Shia Muslims who are oppressed by the Pashtuns. Divisions within social class, religion, ideology, nationality, and education best exemplify the inequalities that lead to oppression within the novel. Ideology creates rifts in Amir and Hassan's friendship. An issue in the novel is how friendship is experienced and affected by social unequal's. Hassan regards Amir as his friend and shows it by his unfailing loyalty which is indicative of his awareness of …show more content…

We can see this in the text when Arkady tries to defend his friend's ideology of nihilism. He tells his father that Bazarov, "knows everything". This suggests that Arkady concurs with Bazarov and this also implies that he idolizes him. Arkady expresses his love for Bazarov’s friendship as he makes it clear to his father the importance of Bazarov in his life. Arkady states, “Please, daddy, do be very kind to him. I can’t tell you how much I esteem his friendship” Turgenev makes use of the intensifier "very" to express Bazarovs degree of importance which makes the reader aware of how intense their friendship is. However, this friendship seems more one sided as the reader only sees Arkady being so expressive about Bazarov by agreeing and defending Bazarovs nihilist views, Bazarov does not talk positively of their friendship at all. Therefore, there is an unequal significance between the two in the relationship. Bazarov continuously insults Arkady's father and uncle due to ideological differences which becomes detrimental to their friendship. Arkady says “Shut up! No friendships could bear such strain for long”. This is suggesting that Arkady believes that he has tried his best however Bazarov's strong views have come in between