Discourse 200 Reflected My Writing

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Discourse 200 has affected my development as a writer in a few ways. I have come to learn and obtain a better understanding of how institutional and cultural identities are identified in the way they have been delivered through literature. Not only, has this course taught me about writing but it also taught me more about myself as a writer as far as my interests, weaknesses and strengths go. There are three papers included in this writing portfolio that are reflective of me as a writer. The papers make known of the struggles that I have encountered while writing, but they are also a representative of my growth and improvement in the class. The first paper is a short response essay entitled "Jacques Lusseyran: And There Was Light". The purpose of this essay was to answer a question over a value or belief that molded Jacques' point of view of the world and how those beliefs impacted him as well as those that surrounded him. …show more content…

Being a blind man in the time of Holocaust, it meant everything to Lusseyran to get up and fight against fascism. From Lusseyran's book, I discovered just how passionate he was under the circumstances that he was in considering that he was blind at the time of the Holocaust. What struck me about Lusseyran after evaluating who he is, as a blind young man, is that he felt strong about his values and his beliefs and he struggled for what he felt was the right thing to do for his country at the time. As for context and style, the reading definitely makes the book very spiritual, highlighting Lusseyran's relationship with the spirit through the meditation on the nature of what is the reality, morality, and companionship. Overall, the reading is an analysis of human