Discrimination During Ww2

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Long before the start of the Holocaust, many Jews were trying to immigrate to other places in the world because of the early discrimination they received for their faith and beliefs. It was common for people to persecute and treat the Jewish population harshly because they were considered out of the ordinary compared to the rest of the population. Some places, where many of the Jews moved to were the United States and Palestine because they felt that they would be safer there than where they lived before. A few years later, the number of refugees to enter any country was limited because there were a lot of people immigrating already. Then in the year 1934, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler came into the picture and became the leader of the …show more content…

After Hitler and his followers gained complete control over Germany, the people still living in the country would live in fear every day knowing there life and there families’ were at risk. The camps were first designed to punish politicians and people who opposed Hitler and the government but overtime they essentially became extermination camps. They were an essential part of the Nazis' systematic oppression and mass murder of Jews, political adversaries, and others considered socially and racially undesirable (USF). Adolf Hitler believed that this was crucial for his plan to carry out the way he wanted it to. He did not want anyone who opposed him to be free so he eliminated anyone who did so. Specifically Hitler viewed the Jewish population as inhuman because they didn’t have what he saw as the perfect population, which was to have blue eyes and blond hair and he blamed them for their loss in World War One. The chancellor of Germany demanded that his army would go out into the country and gather up all the Jews that they could find and arrest them. For the Jews it wasn’t a matter of trying to escape but to do everything to try to survive, or at least, live longer. As many as 150 prisoners were herded into a single cattle or freight car. When the doors were opened again, as many as thirty bodies might topple out of there and they were either crushed or already dead (Kogon, 61). The Jewish population was fairly large so it took Hitler’s entire army to get them into the separate concentration camps and to obey their orders. The most decent people are being sent to concentration camps, prisons and lonely cells, while the lowest of the low rule over young and old, rich and poor(Frank,305). They would just search around the country in packs and capture the Jews on the spot. In most cases, families were separated from each other and would be sent to distinct camps on purpose so that they