Hitler's Goals Of Ww2 Research Paper

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Hitler’s Goals in Launching WWII

From the beginning of Hitler's reign to his last days. Adolf Hitler had only two goals. The first being to expand the borders of Germany, which were lost during World War I. Second was to form a perfect Aryan race, or master race. Hitler believed that there was another step in evolution called The Aryan. He believed that this group of people would keep Germany running strong for thousands of years. This later became called “The Final Solution”

After losing World War I, Germany had lost a lot of land. Hitler wanted to regain the lost land as well as take over Europe. On March 12, 1938 Germany took over Austria, this was the start of the German rise to power. The German invasion of Western Poland, on …show more content…

The Aryan’s were to consist of tall individuals with blue eyes and blond hair.(5) People who were a threat to this would be put in labor or death camps.These camps started in March 1933, people who were put in these camps consisted of War prisoners, homosexuals, handicapped, intellectually challenged people, and Jews.(3) Jews were persecuted and despised against more so. They were believed to be the reason of Germany’s defeat in World War I. Hitler claimed they were spreading defeatism during World War I. People who were put in these camps suffered through slave labor, and harsh treatment.(5) Depending on the type of camp,prisoners were assigned to a whole range of different duties. Some remained inside the camp working on a variety of jobs, from administration tasks to extreme manual labour. Most prisoners worked outside the camps in factories, on construction projects, farms or coal mines. They would quite often have to walk several miles to their place of work. On December 8, 1941 the first death camp was opened in Poland. This camp was called Chelmno. Many believe this was the start of the Final …show more content…

Hitler had decided that the jewish race had to be exterminated. This decision was called the Final Solution.(6) On July 31, 1941, Nazi leader Hermann Goering authorized SS General Reinhard Heydrich to make preparations for the usage of a "complete solution of the Jewish question." By autumn 1941, the SS and police introduced the usage of mobile gas vans. These were paneled trucks had exhaust pipes configured to pump poisonous carbon monoxide gas into sealed cells killing those locked inside. In these mobile gas chambers the SS killed over ten thousand Jews. The SS and police also killed at least 152,000 people, and also a few thousand Romanians in gas vans at the Chelmno killing. In the spring of 1942. Himmler made Auschwitz II, other wise know as Auschwitz-Birkenau, as a killing station. SS authorities murdered about one million Jews from European countries at