Discrimination Faced By African Americans In The 1920's

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From the 1920s to the 1960s, a large percentage of the population of the world suffered from a great deal of discrimination. This investigation focuses on the discrimination suffered by the African Americans and Native Americans while living in North America. African Americans first arrived in America by means of the slave trade, while Native Americans were the first inhabitants of the land before white Europeans arrived and claimed the land theirs. Many wars waged between the three race groups and Native Americans and African Americans were treated poorly and rejected from society (which was governed/ruled by white people). Some historians believe that African Americans suffered more, while others argue that it was the Native Americans who suffered more during this time period.

African Americans experienced discrimination from the beginning of colonization, and when they were shipped to America during the slave trade. After the slave trade was abolished in North …show more content…

African Americans then went onto continue working for white Americans on plantations until it was declared illegal in 1865. After all this, black people were finally declared “free people” – however this did not mean equality existed between the whites and non-whites, African Americans were then forced (they were not allowed to work in specific careers, only ones “acceptable” for them) to work as domestic workers or to do hard labour. An example being the three black circus workers who did the menial, unglamorous hard labour in the circus in Source A. The inequality didn’t stop at only unfairness in the workplace however; black people suffered terrible violence and crimes against