Discrimination In E. J. Graff's 'What Makes A Woman'

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Society Gender Identity Discrimination The significant issues people face in their day to day condition about their gender identity as cause much discrimination towards them in their society. Society has been blind on identifying gender of a certain people, back in the days individual view gender type through genital organs and adolescence, whereby male or females body grows to represent their gender. Society judges’ people through physical appearance and intersex in identify a male or a female, which might be wrong to prove their gender. A person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male typical hormone on the inside. This has negatively affect Gays, lesbians and Transgender to face difficulties in fitting in the society. It shows how society uses gender and physical structure to identify a person in American society. In “M and F boxes” by E.J. Graff, the author illustrate how opposite gender are discriminated, treated unfair on how they dress, behave and also express their identity. While in “What Makes a Woman a Woman” by Peggy Orenstein, the author talks about identity issues and how society differentiate male and female by physical appearance and ignoring the identity of the gender. Society classifies people’s gender based on their appearance. …show more content…

As Graff stated “we’re despised. We’re pariahs in this society.” This shows the problems transsexuals’ faces in their daily living, been strongly dislike and manipulated by society. Majority of trans genders are hurt by society, this is because they are not treated equal, discriminate by employers, and others loses their jobs and housing disqualification. This isolate and cause majority in depress and unfitted in the

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