Discuss The Causes And Effects Of Slavery On African Americans

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The Europeans in the New World lacked a work force, and Africans were their best option. Native Americans were dying, and indentured servants brought new diseases, but the Africans were resistant to both European and tropical diseases and their skin color made it hard for them to escape. Families were torn apart and to never see each other again, the long voyage across the middle passage of the Triangular Trade with Africans dying right next to each other, and then work on a plantation to exploit the land until they died. The causes and effects of African slavery in the 1500ś to the 1800ś has resulted in racism and a large African population in the United States.
When Christopher Columbus found a New World across the Atlantic, it led to the use of slaves. Europeans came across the sea to get new starts in the New World, but when …show more content…

This caused a huge influx of African Americans and that has created a large African American population in America. When slaves were taken from Africa, their families were ripped apart and most of the time they never saw each other again. Once slaves were in America, they were sold to the highest bidder then sent to work in the mines, fields, or as a domestic servant. They worked long days, sun up to sundown, and were given little food; they lived in small huts, and often suffered beatings. In America, slavery was lifelong and was hereditary; unlike the Muslim slavery in which slaves could buy their freedom. Europeans thought that African’s skin color made them inferior, so they created racism, and they thought that white people were the better, “superior”, race. It was created because of slavery, and it was to keep African slaves from finding a way to be free. Europeans gained all their money from the exploitation the slaves did to the land, and since there was such high demand for a labor force, more and more slaves were transported across the

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