Discuss The Role Of The Legislative Process In Nursing

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As a nurse we have become more involved in the legislative process particular in the subject of health policy (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2008). A nurse is someone that is looked at in a positive light for being honest, unbiased, and ethical. I recognize that I must be an advocate for patient’s health and must be actively involved in the legislative process when it will affect my professional responsibilities. A number of laws start out as an idea that solves a problem or issue that is facing an individual. In order to become a policy it must complete the appropriate steps of the legislative process. In the preceding paragraphs I will discuss the legislative process involved in making a policy and a specific health care issue of nurse to patient ratio. …show more content…

All laws travel through the steps of the legislative process before becoming a policy. A majority of laws start, as an idea that someone believes will be a solution to a problem. For example during a surgical procedure the operating staff will do what is called a time out to discuss what will be occurring during and what limb might be operated on. This was started to help prevent wrong site surgeries. This has proven to be helpful to prevent wrong site surgeries by evidence based practice and then was made into a policy. It is not only important to understanding the process but also how to approach a person in a position to get a law made. Lobbying the correct person includes knowing their stances on the subject matter and also knowing their resources that they can reach out