Discussing Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)

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This paper will discuss antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). In many ways, ASPD is still a mystery. No one knows exactly how many people this disorder effects, but the behaviors noted in ASPD are felt by everyone. This paper will discuss what the disorder is and a brief history. How prevalent this disorder is in society as a whole and the particular population of inmates. Male versus female prevalence is also noted and very significant. This paper will explore treatment options that are being used currently and the difficulties presented in getting proper treatment to people with this disorder. Individually tailored treatment plans are very important as well as letting the person with the disorder feel in control of their treatment …show more content…

To be diagnosed as having this disorder a person needs to have a history of conduct disorder prior to 15 years old. The current age of the person should also be 18 or over and meet at least 3 criteria for diagnosis. The criteria are repeatedly lying or being deceitful, repeat criminal offenses, impulsivity or inability to plan for the future, irritability or aggressiveness, disregard for personal safety or safety of others, consistent irresponsibility, and lack of remorse (Antisocial personality disorder, 2015). ASPD can be traced back to Philippe Phinel in his Treatise on Insanity in 1806 where it was called la folie raisonnante, or insane without delirium. In the past ASPD has also been called moral insanity and psychopathic inferiority (History of Antisocial Personality Disorder, 2010). The road to knowledge of this disorder starts with understanding the prevalence of the disorder, treatment options, and possible ways of prevention. ASPD can be a difficult disorder to live with and affects everyone associated or coming into contact with the person with this …show more content…

Rates for worldwide prisoners with this disorder rise drastically compared to society as a whole. Survey results show that 47% of male prisoners and 21% of female prisoners have ASPD (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2010). This is most likely a result of the tendencies to commit criminal behavior. Furthermore, there is difficulty in achieving an accurate survey result due to the very nature of ASPD. 90.4% of people diagnosed with ASPD have at least one or more other psychiatric disorders and prevalence is increased for almost every other psychiatric disorder (NCCMH, 2010). Men with ASPD are more likely to have a substance abuse problem when compared to men without the disorder. Having ASPD makes men three to five times more likely to have a substance abuse problem. While women have a lower prevalence of ASPD when compared to men, the prevalence of substance abuse is higher than men (NCCMH,