
Divergent By Veronica Roth: Conflict Essay

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“Conflict cannot continue without your participation” (unknown). However, how interesting would stories be without conflict? Conflict is what people connect to. In the novel, “Divergent” , written by Veronica Roth; everyone is spilt up in factions. The citizens are forced to choose their factions when they are sixteen years old. One of the factions is ‘Dauntless’, which the people are very brave and can never be cowardly. The setting of this novel is in Dauntless headquarters. The author's purpose in “Divergent”, is to connect to readers using conflict. The author uses conflict in person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. society, and person vs. technology.
The first example of conflict is person vs. person. In ‘Divergent’, the initiates were forced to fight to show courage. For example, Trice and Peter fought; Trice got so hurt she went to the nursing unit in Dauntless headquarters (Roth). However, this made the reader more engaged and the drama pleases the reader (Cole). Next, tensions are always very high when …show more content…

society. The segregation of factions connects to people's past. In the 1900s, black and white people were segregated; with almost everything; including restrooms. This connection created pathos to the reader; which brings them to the skin of the story (Cole). In this novel, another person vs. society conflict is no creativity. In Trice’s old faction, she wore all grey and had to follow many rules (Roth). This creates uncomfort because it isn’t like modern times. Next, the author let’s the reader know things the characters don’t. The novel has a government that brainwashes them; making the citizens think a dictatorship is normal. “When the soul suffers too much, it develops a taste for misfortune” says Albert Camus. The mind makes you think suffering is the way it should be because it takes away from personal happiness. However, society always has something over the citizens, like

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