Diversity In Sociology

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Today poverty, health and society play a big role within ethnic groups today. Ethnic groups are essentially a label and a huge stereotype for most people around the world today. Today I believe that money benefits you on the ways you provide for yourself, family, and well-being all around. For example a doctors power has improved over time, and has gotten greater; it was not always like this.

Minorities and lower social statuses draw an influence to health and longevity in many ways today. With the minority and lower social statuses being looked down upon they may not be able to receive as good health insurance, doctors which is making the discrepancies in health today. For example the major differences are between whites and blacks, racism is still a factor today and can rule out either one. They both can have the same income, health, and wellness only one is provided with the help they need. “People trust doctors with very personal information and expect individualized treatment; and doctors use specific props and scripts to assert their power.” (Conley) Basically meaning, if a …show more content…

For instance, say you have a foreign doctor from another country who practices in New York, but the doctor is racist against everyone who is not as same culture, ethnic background, or country. No matter how much money a person has he still may not take them because of the color of their skin. Which is why race and socioeconomic status are a huge role in influencing health and longevity today. A doctor may not be racist but they also could be money hungry, and only take patients who have a lot of money. So going back to my example from before, you have the same foreign doctor who only isn’t racist anymore, but money hungry. The doctor would typically take the person with the most money and help them, rather than someone of lower social