Diversity Vs Higher Education Essay

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Why Improving Diversity Starts with Higher Ed

In the United States, a collective of nearly 3,000 colleges and universities train the best talent in the country. A small percentage of these institutions rank among the highest. Degrees from the highest-ranking universities typically give graduate professional carte blanche throughout their careers. This may lead some to question who receives such unbridled freedoms, such as admission to the nation’s Ivy League school and access to countless corporate career prospects. Logic would dictate that such opportunities abound for minorities, paralleling the country’s increasingly diverse cultural background.

In part, these top universities base admissions acceptance on scholastic aptitude tests (SATs). Many hopeful students view their SAT scores as the top factor for university admittance, incorrectly equating their score to their intelligence. Researcher have counted this belief by proving that students with lower SAT scores can, and do, compete with their higher scoring peers with equal success.

Educational Diversity in the United States …show more content…

In America, 40-percent of all students in kindergarten through twelfth grades are minorities. However, only 17-percent of teachers and principals and 11-percent of school board executive are people of color. Furthermore, minorities only represent 6-percent professionals occupying school superintendent positions in the nation, which is the highest-ranking position in the school districts of each municipality. In sum, the report reveals that the ethnic composition of the country’s educational leaders sharply contrasts that of the school