Do Lesbian Parents Respond To The Idea That Lesbian Couples Involve Men In The Life Of Their Children

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Author’s purpose: The authors purpose is to determine how lesbian parents respond to the idea that male role models are a necessity in the growth of children.
Main Concept: The main concept of this study was to determine to what extent lesbian couples involve males in the life of their children. The authors attempt to explain the this argument through the idea that there has been attack on lesbian families because of the lack of male role models. In order to better understand the argument one first must look at how lesbian couples construct male role models. Male role models in this situation are not husbands but grandfathers, uncles, or friends. The main concept about the lack of male role models appears to be that the children are missing …show more content…

However they did make some conclusions in reference to why lesbian couples still attempt to have a male role model in their children’s lives. Lesbian couples believe that male role models are replaceable and they replace them by having a vital contribution from a male family member or friend. Lesbian families are willing to recognize that their children do need a male role model. They also conclude that they are not living on planet lesbian because they recognize that they need the presence of men in their family and support networks. Lesbian families construct male role models different from the norm, their construction of role models is formed from common sense. In a lesbian couples viewpoint a male role model is someone their children can learn from, look up to and be a positive influence. The authors specifically point out that when conducting this analysis one must not look at the idea that all lesbians hate men but to see their positive views toward men. The authors also found that some lesbian parents depict themselves as good gays, this idea of good gays makes a good gay/bad gay distinction. With this idea of good versus bad it creates marginality and puts gay families up against one another; this makes it hard to get a distinction of what is deemed normal and what is not. Looking at the assimilationist theory one