Do Teens Limit Their Usage To Technology?

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Teens and technology are like Romeo and Juliet. They just can’t be split apart no matter what happens. Exactly like Romeo and Juliet, they have so much love that they feel like they are incomplete or missing something when they aren’t together. This is an exact feeling of any average teen. Teenagers are overusing technology; especially cell phones, television, and computers. But, it’s not just the overuse of it, it's also how they use it. Some are using it to get a hold of test answers, other people’s personal information, and even pornography. Teens need to learn to limit their usage to technology because of all the negative effects of it. Especially the ones who are always dependent on it, and have their life revolve around it. Although teens can use technology in a beneficial way, …show more content…

When they break or lose their phone and don’t have access to any for a week or so till a new one comes, what are they going to do? It would be the end of the world for them. Also, when you get into a higher level of school like college when their are eyes everywhere, they won’t be able to cheat and get through their class with solid grades! According to ikeepsafe, a website about cheating using technology, “35% of students surveyed have admitted to using a cellphone to cheat.” They won’t be used to studying and all the hard work to earn a legit A. Then who will they crawl to, considering they will be living with maybe one roommate who is most likely stuck in the same sticky situation? Exactly, they have to deal with it on their own. Last, is the stuff teens do on their phones/computers. You guessed it, hacking and cybercrime. As Stellar Blue Technology says, “nearly three quarters, 73 percent, of all Americans have fallen victim to some sort of cybercrime.” This shows how teens in school who get bored and have too much time on their hands can get out of control. But, there is a way to solve all