
Technology's Negative Effects On Families In The United States

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Technology and the Internet allow people to share experiences, news, and information almost instantly. This brings people together closer than ever before. Technology can help family members who live far apart communicate with each other. Technology and the Internet can also help people learn. There are some problems with technology but the positive aspects outweigh the bad.
The Internet brings many people together whether it be family members from across the world communicating over facebook, or two single people meeting over a dating website. Surveys say One-third of married couples in U.S. meet online, this is 1071.3 million people. Many families in the U.S. are separated by distance and it's hard for them to communicate without technology, they could send letters but that could take weeks just to get a reply. Surveys say that 25% of families became closer by using technology which dominates over the 11% that say that it made their families distant from eachother. In these cases technology has benefited families and couples by bringing them together.
Technology has made a huge impact on schools and education. Most of the schools in the U.S. have invested in new computers, tablets, and smart boards. Research proves that 74 Percent of Educators Support the Use of Technology in Schools. Not to mention how many student take …show more content…

One of the problems with the internet is cyberbullying, 10-20% of the teenagers who use technology get cyberbullied. Though it is a horrible thought, just because cyberbullies are an issue does not mean that technology is bad, for example, there are websites and phones services to contact in the case of which someone is getting cyberbullied. The other 80-90% of teenagers who do not get or cause the cyberbullying enjoy the internet, these reasons prove that technology shouldn’t stop being used, and should continue to be used in everyday

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