Do Women Make The Right Decision When It Comes To Abortion Essay

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Teyler Reader
Mrs. McKernan
English 002
18 May, 2023
Do Women Make the Right Decision When it Comes to Abortion? The book Freakonomics written by the authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner applies multiple rational economic analysis to many different day-to-day situations. One topic which is brought up a lot in this book is the topic of abortion and how it has affected the economy overall since the 90’s. Many women make the temporary decision at the time to have an abortion because it is something that will be one less thing they need to worry about. It is not until the decision is already permanently made that the aftermath a woman feels will follow. When women around the world are choosing an indefinite solution to their problems, …show more content…

Then, the book states, “If she decides she can’t, she often chooses the abortion” (Levitt & Dubner 132). Is this entirely true though? Do women really make informed decisions when it comes to abortion and do they think about the aftermath that will likely follow them? What makes a woman decide that an abortion is the best for her mental and physical sake? That is a question every person that can give birth should ask themselves before deciding to make a decision as such. Abortion is not temporary. It is not easy. It is …show more content…

There are many women living right now who would have wished they would not have made the decision to have an abortion. Based on personal experience in my life, I had someone who I was very close with decide rationally to have an abortion. This was not a decision which took much time to make, but rather a decision made before “it was too late”. After deciding to have the abortion, much guilt followed and was very persistent long after. My job was to only help alongside my loved one and tell them that they had made the best decision for themself, but this individual described to me that they did not make the best decision and decided too early on. They did not have time to truly make this informed decision because the clock was ticking and whether or not someone wanted to admit it, they knew in their hearts they did not make the right choice. This is when I realized that many other women experience this same thing and just need support by their side to make it work for them. Especially, women who are of younger age may think of this as impossible. How could someone so young take care of a newborn baby? At first hand, it seems as if it is the best informed decision because maybe a woman just does not see themselves taking care of an infant. After this permanent decision has already been made, there is no such thing as going back and undoing what has already been

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