
Documentary Analysis: It's A Girl By Evan Grae Davis

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Around the world, societies and the culture from many different countries seem to be crying out for help, almost silently at times. The social problems generated from most countries is due to many factors, such as; poverty, education, religion, sex, and government. What is believed to be right in one country can be perceived to be wrong in another. I recently viewed a documentary entitled; it’s a girl, directed by Evan Grae Davis. Learning about society and the people of the culture, helped me understand this documentary more in detail. This documentary was based on factual beliefs of two countries: India and China. The topic of discussion was on gendercide. Gendercide is the killing of a particular sex and is said to be an increasing problem in several countries. Gendercide also takes the form of infanticide, the killing of an infant within a year of birth. Around the world, the average of boys born is 105 to every 100 girls. In India and China, this average rises to 140 boys to every 100 girls. In the cases of India and China, gendercide is narrowed down to infanticide, the killing of a female child within a year of birth. These two countries put a high value on males and a low value on females. Their …show more content…

However, in the eyes of these two particular countries, a girl just being born is wrong enough. Sometimes I feel that the American people do not realize just how luck they truly are. This land, the United States of America gives all of us freedom to be the persons we choose to be. The women of the United State continue to move forward in the movement of equality. Moving towards something of such value is much better than not having any right at all. The treatment of women in the United States has come a long way, but still has a ways to

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