Does America Rely Too Much On Technology Essay

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Creating to Destroy

Does America rely too much on technology? People could walk upstairs instead of taking an elevator. Instead of checking the weather on a phone, why not just look up? Kids should play outside instead of sitting in their rooms playing video games all day. America does rely on technology, but people should not always consider that bad. No matter where someone lives, he or she will always create technology and use it as much as needed. Most technology made will likely create good things. Some technology tends to create danger, such as weapons. With these, we need wise, intelligent people who will take care of them, such as the government. We as humans have the ability to create technology, which we should use to live in America. …show more content…

We should use these tools wisely. How can anyone consider weapons that murder and cars that pollute the air as good? Murder, obviously, counts as a sin that people should prevent. America should fight for what God wants. America’s government fails at this at times, but creating an atomic bomb allowed a giant war to come to a quick end, stopping more killing. Very wise people control the most deadly technology. These people hate death like everyone else, but will use these tools when necessary, which allow us to live where we do. With everyone relying on cars for going almost anywhere, some scientists believe that this will cause the earth to warm up. Their research seems to have problems, though. All their research accounted that only CO2 changed climate, even though the sun and water vapor have a way larger effect on the change of climate (Providing Insight). Many more problems exist in the research. People can rely on technology such as cars for transportation until proven that cars do cause damage to the weather. With weapons, the government will protect America, and with cars causing global warming, scientists have not proved that yet. Until they do, we have nothing to worry