New Technology In America Essay

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In the last 10 years, the unemployment rate has gone from 10 percent down to only 4 percent. Jobs in America are becoming easier than ever to find although there’s one thing that Americans have a fear of; robots and automation. Technology is advancing quicker than expected and automation has become less of a futuristic thought and more of a reality. In the country of Sweden, it’s already become a reality. The country has focused on the progression of this technology because they understand that jobs will only shift and not be eradicated. Sweden wants other nations to understand the use of automated technology because of what good it can do for the world. In Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia, the government provides many benefits such as …show more content…

Persson, 35, sits in front of four computer screens, one displaying the loader he steers as it lifts freshly blasted rock containing silver, zinc, and lead. If he were down in the mine shaft operating the loader manually, he would be inhaling dust and exhaust fumes. Instead, he reclines in an office chair while using a joystick to control the machine.” (The New York Times) “In Sweden, if you ask a union leader, 'Are you afraid of new technology?’ they will answer, 'No, I'm afraid of old technology,’” says the Ylva Johansson. The Swedish are not afraid of losing their jobs because the unions are powerful and there is plenty of government support. “Here, robots are just another way to make companies more efficient.” According to a survey by the European Commission, 80 percent of Swedish citizens have shown positive views about automation and artificial intelligence (A.I.) This is a far fetch from the 72 percent of Americans worried about their future where computers and robots substitute human’s jobs. The United States is lacking when it comes with trust and government benefits, as most people rely on their employers for health and insurance and the loss of a job can be life changing. However, in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia, free health care and education is provided to the citizens along with generous unemployment benefits. The unions approve of automation as it helps jobs be more secure and is safer than manual jobs. They've also proven successful in