
Does Donald Trump Say Too Much On Twitter

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A political cartoon illustrated by Andy Marlette is the epitome of “pictures speak louder than words.” The image depicts Twitter’s logo with Donald Trump’s features puking up a nasty green liquid with your typical “gross” or “hazardous” cartoonish objects scattered throughout his upchuck. These objects include a smartphone, a bottle of poison, a sign with a skull and crossbones, a fish skeleton, a banana peel, a magazine, a dagger, and a cuckoo clock. What the drawing’s saying is: Donald Trump, as president, needs to get off Twitter and put down the phone, as all he does is worsen and politicise current affairs, and spew absolute codswallop. Does Trump say too much on Twitter? The cartoon shows a dagger and poison spilling out of him, and …show more content…

The number of tweets sent to CNN by Trump is overwhelming. 30.85% of the three hundred eighty-nine mean tweets from Trump consists of “fake news.” Like a cuckoo clock, Trump has repeated and retweeted his opinions of CNN countless times. Perhaps he has eaten too much and now he must let it all out. It has gotten to the point where more than half of the three hundred twenty-five million people living in America agree that Trump should absolutely put down the phone, saying, “about sixty-nine percent of American voters think Trump should stop tweeting, according to a Quinnipiac University poll in late September” (CNET). More than half of America think Trump should be more presidential. More than half of America say that maybe social media has no place for government discourse. More than half of America cries, quit regurgitating your opinion on …show more content…

When he vomits a magazine made by a rich company, it symbolises a capitalist country, run by rich economists. Being a billionaire himself, it’s not surprising Trump makes billions for someone else with his presence: “Trump is good for Twitter’s business… Twitter would lose about $2 billion in market value simply if Trump stopped tweeting” (CNET). Well, at least Trump’s Tweeting helps somebody. Just his presence alone caused a “Trump bump” that boosted the platform’s monthly users to three hundred thirty million. More and more people to retweet and regurgitate his

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